Jesus is risen, praise your Saviour and your Lord,
All the earth, proclaim the Good news: Life has vanquished death.
Through his death and resurrection,
Christ has saved us all,
We too shall rise in glory, If we believe in Him. chorus
Members all of God’s own household, Citizens of heaven,
We are no longer strangers, Children of God instead. chorus.
Now we are endowed with new life,
In the Lord baptized,
God, who is rich in mercy, Gives us eternal life. chorus
All the earth, proclaim the Good news: Life has vanquished death.
Through his death and resurrection,
Christ has saved us all,
We too shall rise in glory, If we believe in Him. chorus
Members all of God’s own household, Citizens of heaven,
We are no longer strangers, Children of God instead. chorus.
Now we are endowed with new life,
In the Lord baptized,
God, who is rich in mercy, Gives us eternal life. chorus