Lord, you have touched my heart and left me speechless,
Silence is all I need to sing your praise.
Lord, it is you who are my cup and portion,
Lord, it is you, yourself, who are my prize. Chorus.
So I will bless the Lord who gives me Counsel,
And who directs my heart all through the night. Chorus.
And so my heart is glad, my soul rejoices,
Even my body shall in safety rest. Chorus.
Your presence makes my life on earth a heaven,
Your steadfast love and care fill me with joy. Chorus.
Silence is all I need to sing your praise.
Lord, it is you who are my cup and portion,
Lord, it is you, yourself, who are my prize. Chorus.
So I will bless the Lord who gives me Counsel,
And who directs my heart all through the night. Chorus.
And so my heart is glad, my soul rejoices,
Even my body shall in safety rest. Chorus.
Your presence makes my life on earth a heaven,
Your steadfast love and care fill me with joy. Chorus.