The Lord is near to all who call on Him.
Rest in Him alone, rest in Him alone.
He will guard your coming and your going,
He will be the one to guard your life.
The sun will not harm you in the daylight,
And the Lord will watch you through the night. Chorus
He has seen a thousand years go past Him,
Swiftly as a morning fades to night.
So come, let Him fill you with His wisdom,
To number all your days aright. Chorus
Lord, in You I come to take my refuge,
Through the night You ever counsel me.
O Lord, You have formed me to be holy,
And to rest within you peacefully. Chorus
Trust in Him forever, O my people,
Pour out all your hearts before the Lord.
Your God is a rock of strength, your glory;
In the Lord is all your hope restored. Chorus
Rest in Him alone, rest in Him alone.
He will guard your coming and your going,
He will be the one to guard your life.
The sun will not harm you in the daylight,
And the Lord will watch you through the night. Chorus
He has seen a thousand years go past Him,
Swiftly as a morning fades to night.
So come, let Him fill you with His wisdom,
To number all your days aright. Chorus
Lord, in You I come to take my refuge,
Through the night You ever counsel me.
O Lord, You have formed me to be holy,
And to rest within you peacefully. Chorus
Trust in Him forever, O my people,
Pour out all your hearts before the Lord.
Your God is a rock of strength, your glory;
In the Lord is all your hope restored. Chorus