To be the Body of the Lord in this world,
To have his Spirit coursing through my soul,
To know the passion of my Jesus in his love for everyone,
To show his mercy in the shadows of this land.
Come, walk with me, come, share my life.
You must know the shadows,
If you would know the light. Chorus
No eyes have I, no ears to hear,
You must be my body
And show my Father’s care. Chorus
I am the vine, branches are you.
Life from me eternal
To make your world anew. Chorus
One bread, one cup; open heart and mind.
One great human people
In fellowship divine. Chorus
To have his Spirit coursing through my soul,
To know the passion of my Jesus in his love for everyone,
To show his mercy in the shadows of this land.
Come, walk with me, come, share my life.
You must know the shadows,
If you would know the light. Chorus
No eyes have I, no ears to hear,
You must be my body
And show my Father’s care. Chorus
I am the vine, branches are you.
Life from me eternal
To make your world anew. Chorus
One bread, one cup; open heart and mind.
One great human people
In fellowship divine. Chorus