Search Your Hymn


We stand for God and for his glory, the Lord Supreme and God of all,
Against his foes, we raise his standard, around the cross, we hear his call.

Strengthen our faith redeemer and grant us when danger is nigh, 
To thee we pledge our lives and service, 
Strong in a trust that never shall die, 
To thee we pledge our lives and service, 
Strong in a trust that never shall die. 

We stand for God, Jesus our Master, has saved the world, with love untold,
His law divine and truth unchanging, in this our land their place must hold.

We stand for God! Let us be loyal, our love proclaimed with every breath;
To Christ the King and Lord of lords, we will be faithful unto death.

We stand for God! in ages olden, He placed “the Cross” our stars beside;
O may our land, gracious and golden, Be faithful to the Crucified.