The world stands in need of liberation, my Lord,
It still has to feel your power.
The blind and the deaf, the dumb and the maimed,
All need to feel your healing touch.
The world stands in need of liberation my Lord,
It still has to learn to love.
There are those who have eyes but refuse to see
The inhumanity around.
There are those who have ears but refuse to hear
The cries of those in agony.
There are those who have mouths but refuse to speak
Against the injustice done to some.
There are those who have hands
But refuse to reach them out in love and charity.
There are those who have talents they do not use
To build a true community.
And we know that we all have the talent to love
But leave it buried in ourselves.
It still has to feel your power.
The blind and the deaf, the dumb and the maimed,
All need to feel your healing touch.
The world stands in need of liberation my Lord,
It still has to learn to love.
There are those who have eyes but refuse to see
The inhumanity around.
There are those who have ears but refuse to hear
The cries of those in agony.
There are those who have mouths but refuse to speak
Against the injustice done to some.
There are those who have hands
But refuse to reach them out in love and charity.
There are those who have talents they do not use
To build a true community.
And we know that we all have the talent to love
But leave it buried in ourselves.