When the kindness of our God was revealed in Jesus,
with compassion and with love were we born.
In the spirit of that love life abounds with thankfulness,
for the gift we know in Jesus, the Christ.
May the grace of God be ever in our life;
With a song may gratitude become our home.
Alleluia, Alleluia.
Alleluia, Alleluia.
With the gentleness of peace, born in love of God as friend,
so much healing and forgiveness shall we know.
And with peace is sure to come such a deep, abiding joy
which the many deaths of life cannot dispel.
In diverse and sundry ways of the past did God reveal
something of the love in which life can thrive.
But in Jesus did this love come to fullness for all time
and in him we are alive with spirit joy.
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